Custom Packaging Design needs to control customers psychology

by 12:46 0 comments
Custom Boxes

1, Realistic psychology

The main customers psychology is pragmatic psychology. It is believed that the actual utility of the commodity is the most important. It is hoped that the commodity is convenient to use, cheap and good, and does not deliberately pursue the beauty of the novelty of the style. Consumer groups holding primary psychology are mainly mature customers, working-class people, housewives, and elderly customers.

2, Seeking beauty

customers with certain economic affordability generally have a desire for beauty, paying attention to the shape of the product itself and the external packaging, paying more attention to the artistic value of the product. The consumer groups with aesthetic psychology are as high as 75.3%. In terms of product categories, the packaging of jewelry, cosmetics, clothing, handicrafts and gifts, more attention to the performance of aesthetic values.

3, Seeking different psychology

Consumer groups with different psychology are mainly young people under the age of 35. This type of consumer group believes that the style of goods and packaging is extremely important, paying attention to novelty, uniqueness, and individuality, that is, requiring packaging, color, graphics. and other aspects to be fashionable and more avant-garde, but the quality of the goods is not very high. care. In this consumer group, juvenile children account for a considerable proportion, for whom sometimes the packaging of the product is more important than the product itself. For this group of non-negligible customers, their packaging design should highlight the characteristics of "newness" to meet their psychological needs.

4, Herd mentality

The customers or mentality are willing to cater to the popular trend or to emulate the style of celebrities. The age group of such consumer groups spans a lot because the vigorous promotion of fashion and celebrities by various media promotes the formation of this child or psychological behavior. To this end, packaging design should grasp the trend of the popular, or directly launch the product image spokesperson who is deeply loved by the product.

5, The name of the psychology

No matter what kind of consumer group has psychological psychology, it pays attention to the brand of goods and has a sense of trust and loyalty to famous brands. In the case of economic conditions, if the high price of the commodity is ignored, it is determined to subscribe. Therefore, the establishment of a good brand image in packaging design is the key to the success of product sales.

In short, the psychology of customers is complex and rarely maintains an orientation for a long time. In most cases, it is possible to combine two or more psychological requirements. The pursuit of psychological diversity has prompted product packaging to present the same diverse design style.



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